Thank you for supporting Florida’s paddling trails.
We’re grateful to have these businesses as members and partners of FPTA!
Business Members
Businesses with a small, blue Deal icon, in the lower right corner of their box, offer discounts to FPTA members with a current Membership Card
Business Membership Benefits
FPTA works with Business Members to support the needs of the ever-increasing number of paddlers seeking outdoor experiences that only Florida can provide! That said, there are two very important parts to your FPTA Business Membership:
One: FPTA realizes businesses are busy running their day-to-day operations, so let us help your business in a variety of ways.
We can:
Connect and Promote your business, using FPTA’s marketing platforms, to reach a growing network of both in-state and out-of-state
paddlers businesses like yours to improve their paddling experience in Florida.
1. FPTA Website: We list your business and information in our Business Directory on our “Supporters” page, which is visible to the public.
2. FPTA Email Marketing Campaigns: Not everyone is on social media, so diversify your marketing reach by tapping into more than
2,700+ (and growing) paddlers who subscribe to FPTA email campaign blasts and newsletters.
3. FPTA Social Media: Only FPTA Business Members can advertise to more than 20,000 FPTA social media followers. You can post
directly to FPTA’s Facebook page. Our social media administrators will verify your business membership status, then approve the
Free posting of used paddlecraft in our new Classified Ads feature on the website.
Provide Financial Support:
Sponsor events: Apply for and use FPTA Mini-Grants to financially boost events in your paddling events community.
Paddling Education: Qualified businesses can apply for FPTA Legacy Fund grants to support their youth paddling programs.
Two: You can help FPTA!
Your membership fee (20%) and store merch purchases (40%) support the FPTA Legacy Fund. We are an all-volunteer organization, so the rest goes towards running our website and admin costs. FPTA has 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. All or part of your dues may qualify as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes. Please check with your tax advisor.
Promote FPTA!* Display FPTA-provided marketing materials * Place FPTA’s logo/website link on your business website * Sell FPTA merch in your store * Announce/advertise that you are an FPTA Business Member *