FPTA Classifieds are for used Kayaks, Canoes, and Stand-Up Paddleboards (SUPs) only. At this time, we are not posting any gear unless it is included with the paddlecraft being posted. Ads will be posted for 30 days, at which time they will be automatically deleted. If you wish to continue posting, please go to the Manage Ads in your Classifieds account and click on Refresh post date to repost for another 30 days. You will not have to fill out all the information again. The postings can be viewed by the general public on this website. To keep our postings current, please remove any postings you have made after sales are complete. This can be done in the Classifieds>Manage Ads tab on our website. All ads will be reviewed by the administrator before posting.
ATTENTION FPTA MEMBERS: For free posting, go to the Florida Paddling Trails Association website; Click on the “Access your account button” on the Homepage and log into your FPTA membership account. Leave your account open. On the website menu bar, select Classifieds and “Post an Ad” from the pull down menu. Post your ad. Make sure you enter the same email address as on your FPTA account. You should not have to fill out any payment information. Once you submit your post, check your email to be sure that you have received a confirmation of a successful receipt of your post. Once Admin has approved your ad, you will receive a second email confirmation that your post is active. Please check your Spam folder as well. After your ad expires (in 30 days), you can go to the Manage Ads in your Classifieds account and click on Refresh post date to repost for another 30 days. You will not have to fill out all the information again.
NON-MEMBERS: Fill out the form below and select Submit. Once you submit your post, check your email to be sure that you have received a confirmation of a successful receipt of your post. Once Admin has approved your ad, you will receive a second email confirmation that your post is active. Please check your Spam folder as well. After your ad expires (in 30 days), you can go to the Manage Ads in your Classifieds account and click on Refresh post date to repost for another 30 days. You will not have to fill out all the information again.
NOTE: Only one photo is allowed, and the file size must be under 5MB.
Disclaimer: By posting a Classified Ad, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to abide by the Terms of Use and Rules listed below. Claiming ignorance of a rule will not be considered sufficient cause to excuse a violation of said rules.
Terms of Use: FPTA shall not be liable for your interactions with any organizations and/or individuals found on the Site or through this Service. This includes, but is not limited to, payment and delivery of goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings. These dealings are solely between the seller and buyer. Any and all transactions and communications with other members are entered into “at your own risk” and are between you and that individual. Also, you agree that FPTA is not responsible for any damage or loss incurred as a result of any such transactions. FPTA is under no obligation to become involved in disputes between participants on the Site and any third party. If you believe a law has been broken or fraud has occurred, please contact the appropriate enforcement agency. In the event of a dispute, you release FPTA, its officers and members from claims, damages and demands of every kind, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and our service. We reserve the right to edit, reclassify, revise, reject or cancel any advertisement at any time, in our sole discretion.
Used paddlecraft only
No gear, unless included for free with paddlecraft
No inappropriate language or photos