CT - Segments 14, 15, and 16 Alternate (Green) Route
Flamingo to Pennekamp State Park to Matheson Hammock
All Maps and Info Sheets are downloadable and printable in an 8.5 X 11" format.
Download and Print Instructions:
Maps: To print out maps in full size, please left click on map below to pull up full size map, then right click on full size map and choose “Save Image As”. Save to your desktop or designated folder. Print from there.
Logistics Information: This map set is provided for in planning for paddling the Circumnavigational Trail (CT) and should be used in conjunction with the Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail Guide (Text Only) and the OGT CT Updates (find links in the CT introduction). For planning information on boat ramps, water/food resources, bathroom facilities, points of interest, alternate campsites or accommodations, etc., please refer to the Trail Guide (Text Only).
KMZ: To download the KMZ track file, click on the KMZ button. Once downloaded, locate the file on your computer and click on it. The file will then open in Google Earth. You must have the Google Earth or Google Earth Pro app on your computer or device. The downloaded KMZ file can also be directly uploaded to Garmin’s Homeport or BaseCamp app (Garmin Explore app for Garmin InReach devices) and then downloaded to any Garmin GPS device. KMZ routes are for general navigation purposes only and may need to be adjusted for tidal and weather considerations.
To reserve Everglades National Park campsites:
Before planning any paddling trips in Everglades National Park, contact the Park Service ((305) 242-7700) and visit the ENP Wilderness Planning website to make sure all trails and, if camping, chickee/campsites are open. Occasionally some trails and wilderness campsites may be closed due to maintenance or storm damage. All camping is done through a permit system. Beginning November 17, 2020, campers may make advanced reservations through Recreation.gov. Advanced reservations are available on a rolling basis, three months in advance of the start date. Please refer to the Everglades National Park website carefully for more details.
1. Flamingo Campground
2. Shark Point Chickee
3. North Nest Primitive Campsite
To reserve a John Pennekamp State Park campsite go to:
Florida State Parks - Florida State Parks Reservation System or Call (305) 451-6300
To reserve Homestead Bayfront Park and/or Matheson Hammock Park CT Campsites:
Primitive campsites have been established at the south picnic area of Matheson Hammock Park and Marina and the south-east corner of Homestead Bayfront Park for use by paddlers on the Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail Segment 16 – Biscayne Bay (reference maps). The campsites are limited to a capacity of 8 people and 4 tents on a first-come, first-serve basis and to no more than one night per week, per person. Availability is subject to weather conditions, tide fluctuations, special events and construction projects. Access to amenities will be limited after the park hours of operation. Primitive camping will be in areas of uneven ground and limited lighting. Primitive camping reservation requests (form below) may be made in person or by email with no less than 48 hours prior to the desired camping dates and a Park Link account will be required. Paddlers may call the Matheson Hammock Park office (305) 665-5475 or the Homestead Bayfront Park office (305) 230- 3033 during operating hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to verify availability or to cancel any reservation. Paddlers must possess an approved permit, valid identification with the arrival date to use this primitive camping site. The permittees must have the permit in their possession while camping in the park. This permit is not transferable.
General Rules:
1. Parks are open from 6:00 a.m. to sunset.
2. Permittees must comply with all applicable County, State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations. The permittee will be responsible for the conduct of the participants and their guests.
3. No swimming is allowed in marina waterways.
4. No open fires allowed.
5. Area must be left clean and free of trash
6. Pets are not allowed.
7. Do not feed wildlife.
8. After park closure, loitering, ride share / taxi or deliveries are not allowed.
9. For the safety of the permittee the primitive campsite will be closed during thunder and lightning. All outdoor activities will be cancelled, and visitors must seek shelter immediately.
10. Permittee is responsible for any damages made to park property.
11. Failing to comply with all Primitive Camping Rules and Regulations and General Park Regulations as set forth by the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department may lead to being denied future use of the facilities. Park rules and regulations: https://www.miamidade.gov/global/recreation/rules-regulations
Matheson Hammock Park and Marina Request Form
Phone: (305) 665-5475
Email: Matheson.marina@miamidade.gov
Requested Date: _________________________ Arrival Time: _________________________
Permittee Guests: ____________________________________________________________
Homestead Bayfront Park and Herbert Hoover Marina Request Form
Phone: (305) 230-3033
Email: carlos.cruzfelix@miamidade.gov
Requested Date: _________________________ Arrival Time: _________________________
Permittee Guests: ____________________________________________________________
By my signature, I acknowledge that I have received, read, understand, and agree to the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Primitive Camping Rules and Regulations. ____________________________ ____________________________ __________
Permittee Name____________________________ Signature____________________________Date ___________
Segment 14, 15 and 16 Alternate (Green) Route Overview
Leg - 1 ENP Flamingo to ENP Shark Point Chickee
Leg 2 - ENP Shark Point Chickee to ENP North Nest Key
Leg 3 - ENP North Nest Key to Pennekamp State Park
Leg 4 - Pennekamp State Park to Card Point Campsite
Leg 5 - Card Point Campsite to Homestead Bayfront Park
Leg 6 - Homestead Bayfront Park to Matheson Hammock Park
NOTE: Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of these maps. These maps are for visual reference only, please use NOAA Charts for navigation. Paddlers should have all proper attire, gear, safety equipment and check conditions before departure. Don't forget to wear your PFD and leave a float plan with an estimated time of return. There are inherent dangers in any kayak paddling trip.
There are special hazards along Florida's coastal areas due to shifting tides, changing wind, weather, currents, wave action, shallow waters, and treacherous bottoms with soft mud, rock piles and oyster bars. It is up to the paddler to be aware of these dangers, to accept and be prepared for the risks involved, and to be certain that the paddler has the skills necessary to safely paddle in such waters